English-Italian and a wordy love story. Translating vibes into words since 2015.

I am Cat, an Italian writer based in London. A restless mind always in search of something new to learn. I love travelling and when it's not possible I travel through food. When not cooking, you can find me solo dancing on some newly discovered track.

I also write about feminism, sex, technology, digital trends, and cinema and I worked for Hertz, Virgin Media and Rockstar Original (fashion). 

About Me

  • I love people-watching from the bus upper deck
  • I have strong opinions on food
  • Newbie vinyl collector
  • In my free time, I appear in the background of movies 

My services

  • Brand storytelling
  • Copywriting
  • Communication and Marketing Consultancy
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • IT/ENG & ENG/IT translation

Get in Touch!


My Articles

CULTURAL FRITTATA | The humble nostalgia of gnocchi.

Aleksandra is telling me about when, as a kid, she used to cook kopytka with her family, and my memory brings me back to my grandma. She used to wake up early to make the potato gnocchi dough and, when I got up, she would start cutting them and quickly sliding them on a fork, showing me how to form ridges in the soft dough. For Aleksandra’s family, the preparation of the Polish gnocchi was an all-day party. A great quantity of pillowy dumplings was cooked and eaten in company. Aleksandra recalls her longing while waiting for the boiled potatoes to cool down and how she used to stretch her tiny fingers to secretly snag one.
Emmanuel Oguh
Haitian Spaghetti with sausage, scotch bonnet, cilantro and tostones in a bowl

CULTURAL FRITTATA | Spaghetti for Breakfast

It’s 5.30 pm, a very British dinnertime at Acton’s Grill Shack & Tiki Bar, the joyful Caribbean restaurant that has made North London its home since 2020. After a parade of delicious dishes prepared by chef Guilaine Brutus, I ask Grill Shack’s owner Wilford Marous for a recommendation on the rum. “This is the best one,” he says, pointing to the Barbancourt: “After all, it’s made in Haiti, my country.” I take the opportunity to introduce myself and Wilford remembers me immediately. “Of course! You sent me an email. The Italian girl that wants to write an article about Haitian Spaghetti!”
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels

What's new with the UK gaming market? | Bonus Finder

The UK gaming market is the largest video game sector in Europe. Marketwise is second only to Germany and sixth globally. This sector blew up during the pandemic, rising from £5.12 billion to £7.16 billion, and now it seems to be scaling down. Despite the number of lay-backs and the economic reassessment of the industry, the overall picture seems positive. Recently Games Investor Consulting published a TIGA analysis that estimates the growth of the UK games industry by 11,4% between December 202

Paloma Monnappa Let Her Sound Speak for Itself

“My musical inspiration,” says Paloma Monnappa “comes from travelling to different places and meeting new people, discovering record stores and finding hidden gems”. Paloma Monnappa is a Tibetan-Indian multi-talented artist based in Sri Lanka and India. Aside from her music career as a DJ, she is a renowned model, actress and Discovery Channel television host. With her partner Emanuel, she started the brand Tropical Wax, celebrating vinyl culture, underground music, art and surfing.

It All Started With a Legendary Party

"When I was growing up, there was no way I could have dreamed of becoming an electronic music artist. I hadn’t even heard of the genre. Then, one day, I met these guys. They were called the Audio Units [Bangalore-based brother duo]. I became friends with Ashwin – he’s one of the brothers and still my dearest friend – and went to his gig in Goa, a state in southwestern India. And that's when I first heard techno and I was like, “What is this music? What is this sound? I have to learn how to do this!” That's how the journey began."

Inspiring With a Story Made of Beats

"I think it’s important we promote underground techno how it is, recognising that it’s a sound which gives the freedom to live. Otherwise, raves become places where we don't feel safe or we feel like ‘I don't wanna go there because this is like a fashion show; people are gonna look at me or they are gonna judge me’. Also, to really achieve that, the scene should be diverse and make sure that everyone feels included in certain spaces and we're still working towards that."

"Away from the fields": Discovering Identity as a Child of the Diaspora

I meet Safeen James online – as we are used to in this post-pandemic world – and this doesn't prevent her positivity and warmth from reaching me. In very little time she welcomes me into some part of her world and her story, giving me a better understanding of the short film that, after several views, I know quite well: “Away from the Fields”, her latest work about being a child of the diaspora.

A Disappearing Act: Ghosting as a Product of the Digital Age and How to Get Closure if You’re Haunted — Heroica Women

Sometimes you meet someone and it feels like a film: a warmth grows inside your belly when you look at them, there are long and endless flowing conversations, a night when – a little bit faded – you danced to Dire Straits’ ‘Romeo and Juliet’ together and they whisper in your ear, ‘From now on, this is our song’. And your passions? So aligned! They even understand your weird obsession with 1920s vintage chairs.

How is it possible that they can suddenly stop texting you?

One of the best depictio

Scopri tutte le meraviglie della Toscana | Hertz Italia

La Toscana, con i suoi paesini pittoreschi e le sue città ricche di cultura, è il posto perfetto per un viaggio on the road. Guidando attraverso questa regione potrai ammirare meravigliosi paesaggi marittimi e montani. Per esplorarla partendo da nord potrai noleggiare un'auto a Livorno, rilassata città portuale, o a Firenze, dalle numerose attività culturali, con l’iconico Duomo e i suoi musei. Se invece preferisci la campagna, dirigiti a sud in Val d’Orcia per un panorama da cartolina. Partendo
Photo by Canva Studio on Pexels

Perché il marketing è come il poker? | 888poker.it

Sembrerà strano parlare di marketing e poker nello stesso discorso, alcuni le riterranno pratiche distanti, appartenenti a mondi diversi. Eppure pensando al nostro amico che giocando a tenta di ‘venderci’ quella che è una mano di carte senza alcun valore, possiamo renderci conto di quanto in realtà poker e marketing non siano così diversi. Per questo, esaminando le somiglianze di queste due pratiche ci permette di imparare qualcosa di più di entrambe.

Il primo importante step che incontriamo si

Copywriting Spec Work | Levi's x Smemoranda

Smemoranda is an Italian brand that makes diaries for Secondary school students. This most beloved diary is appreciated by young people for its humour and fresh tone of voice. The diary has inserts partnered with actors, comics, musicians and brands. Those usually contain stories, jokes, games or quizzes. The brief asked to write one of these inserts partnered with Levi's.

6:45, I wake up.
I button up the shirt. I wear polyester trousers and jacket.
I wear heels. I grab the bag.
7:45 I clock in. I sit at my desk.
12:30 lunch break
18:00 I get off. I call a taxi.
18:15 I am home. I better hurry if I want to arrive at the party on time.

This time Mr. Levi’s invite didn’t give that many clues: an address, a key and a theme: 'How do you feel?' How do I feel? It has been a while since I asked myself that.

I open the closet and snatch my favourite jeans: my second skin in denim. Sequin t-shirt. Sneakers.
The second taxi of the day. I give the coordinates wondering where it's going to take me.

Location reached. I open the door with the secret key and instantly hear the music—— the strong and beating rhythm pumping in my ears. The basses make the walls tremble. I go deeper into the sweaty room while my eyes slowly get used to the flashing, colourful lights. Now and then, a breeze enters from the courtyard door on the other side of the room. I soon forget I’m squeezed amongst dancing bodies. Instead, I get carried by the sound. Everyone around me is serene, everyone is dressed differently, and everyone is unique. But in the end, we are all dancing to the same sound.